What is this page for?

This page lists all the Planning Applications referred to Kettleburgh Parish Council (KPC) from March 2021, with the most recent at the top.  Each contains a link to the East Suffolk Council (ESC) Planning Portal, where you can find all supporting documents.  For ease of use, we provide a direct link to KPC's formal response to the consultation.

We regret the tabular form of the page; it isn't ideal for accessibility, and in due course we will put the information into a better format.

Application Details
Planning ref: DC/23/4809/FUL
Proposal: Conversion of existing ancillary residential building to form a 2 bedroom self contained dwelling with associated amenity, parking and ev charging provision
Site address: Watermill House, Mill Lane
Status: refused
ESC 30/01/2024 30/01/2024 KPC Response
Planning ref: DC/23/4464/FUL
Proposal: Retention of relocation and extension of a private way into an agricultural paddock
Site address: The Old Piggery, The Street
Status: under consideration
ESC 31/01/2024 31/01/2024 KPC Response
Planning Ref: DC/23/3265/FUL for...[5 (five)] ...bungalows with garages ...for..people aged 55 and over 
Status: refused
ESC 14/09/2023 03/10/2023 KPC Response
Planning Ref: DC/23/3162/FUL for formation of Care Farm. 
Status: under consideration
ESC 22/08/2023 19/09/2023 KPC Response
Planning Ref: DC/21/0757/FUL for 17 No. new dwellings north of The Street, Kettleburgh. Letter from ESC. Site Plan
Status: allowed
ESC 03/03/2021 23/03/2021 KPC Responses